The Project

Resultado de imagen de Planning

The main aims of the project are in his title:
  • Get and make resources "magnetics" for a manipulative mathematics. It means the handling is a previous step of the abstraccion for internalize the concepts.
  • "Magnetization" means to improve the attraction to the Mathematics based on the game (gamificacion), curiosity, discovery and challenges
  • ICTs are very important in the Project because of their audiovisual possibilities, his interactivity, self-learning, the power of the games; encourage relationship and communication.
  • Review the Mathematic curricula of Primary and Secondary of different countries.
  • Collect manipulative resources, made by us, for all contects block: numbers, operations, probability, measure, statistics, geometry…
  • Methodology for the use of our resources and their adaptations.
  • Search and review of website which work our same topics in a interative and playful way.
  • MAGNE: 
      This word come from the word "magnetic" but in the meaning of "atraction" to maths taken the game (gamification), the curiosity, the discovery and challenges as a core of our teaching
  • MATH: 
      We refers to the revision of the curriculum, methodology and didactics of mathematics, we seek the improvement of teaching and learning processes. This block also includes a collection of activities and evaluation proposals
  • ICTs: 
      Tecnology will be the focus of this project. ICTs have a great audovisual power, is useful about interaction, make relationships, communicate each other and participate and build our own knowledge
  • MAGNE: Magnetizar” se refiere a incrementar la atracción hacia las matemáticas tomando como base el juego (gamificación), la curiosidad, el descubrimiento y los retos.
    • Se pretende dotar de materiales manipulativos magnéticos (de elaboración propia en su mayoría) como base de unas matemáticas tangibles, en las que la realidad sea un paso previo a la abstracción e interiorización de los conceptos para la resolución de problemas.
  • MAT: Hace referencia a la revisión del currículo, la metodología y la didáctica aplicadas a las matemáticas, buscando actividades y evaluaciones para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
  • TIC: Las tecnologías serán protagonistas por el enorme potencial de lo audiovisual, de lo interactivo, del juego y del autoaprendizaje; son recursos para la relación, la comunicación, la participación y la construcción del conocimiento.

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